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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-05-07 19:21:45   來(lái)源:中國(guó)顆粒學(xué)會(huì)  

IMFTF Keynote Meeting (19) Schedule

Date & Time: Fri, 12 May. 2023, 19:00



Professor Haigang Wang

Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


(19:00 – 19:05 Beijing Time)


Keynote Speech-1

(19:05 – 19:45 Beijing Time)

Principal Research ScientistYuqing Feng

CSIRO Mineral Resources, AU


(19:45 – 20:00 Beijing Time)

Keynote Speech-2

(20:00 – 20:40 Beijing Time)

Professor Zhipeng Wu

University of Manchester, UK


(20:40 – 20:55 Beijing Time)

Discussions, closing

(20:55 – 21:00 Beijing Time)


Platform: Zoom:


Meeting ID:839 3647 9470

Passcode: 0512


International Multiphase Flow Technology Forum

China University of Petroleum-Beijing

Chinese Society of Particuology

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Keynote Speech-1

Multi-scale modelling and simulation of complex multiphase flow applied in mineral and other process industries

Yuqing Feng

Principal Research Scientist

CSIRO Mineral Resources

Most of the industrial flow systems are intrinsically multi-scale - that is, there are widely separated characteristic length and time scales that are of importance to the behaviour of the system as a whole. The ability to feasibly model all important scales simultaneously is a technical challenge that increased computing resources alone will not solve. Average approaches are not sufficient for characterizing these structures and related behaviors, while discrete approaches based on very detailed mechanisms are limited to capability and cost of computation. Using a multi-scale modelling approach, the detailed micro- modelling information of a real system, such as the detailed particle and/or bubble dynamics, can be used to build constitutive correlations to improve macro- or process scale modelling accuracy. This multi-scale modelling approach is proved to be promising and powerful, and has received increasing interest in the study of complex multiphase flow systems. CSIRO CFD team has been working on the application of CFD models to new and existing plant in the mineral processing, metal production and energy industries for decades. The broad application of CFD has the potential to save companies many millions of dollars per year.

This presentation will discuss the multi-scale modelling methodologies CSIRO has worked on during the past 20 years. For gas solid systems various models has been developed and will be discussed in reference to applications in mineral processing and other process industries. Techniques discussed will include direct numerical simulation (DNS), discrete element method coupling with CFD (CFD-DEM), Particle-in-Cell Model, Eulerian-Eulerian (E-E) or two fluid model (TFM), and recently developed hybrid DEM-TFM model, and how these have been used in applications such as froth flotation, grinding mills and a coal beneficiation fluidized bed. For gas-liquid flow systems, current work on CFD modelling of the aluminium smelting process will be presented, including a micro-bubble model for studying detailed bubble dynamics, time-averaged macro- gas-liquid flow models for simulation of bath flow and alumina mixing in a full reduction cell, and the linkage between the micro- and macro- models.


Wenjie Rong, Yuqing Feng, Phil Schwarz, Peter Witt, Baokuan Li, Tao Song, Junwu Zhou, Numerical study of the solid flow behavior in a rotating drum based on a multiphase CFD model accounting for solid frictional viscosity and wall friction, Powder Technology 361 (2020) 87-98.

Zhibin Zhao, Yuqing Feng, M. Philip Schwarz, Peter Witt, Zhaowen Wang, and Mark Cooksey, Numerical Modeling of Flow Dynamics in the Aluminum Smelting Process: Comparison Between Air-Water and CO2-Cryolite Systems, METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS B, 2017, 48B, 1200- 1216.

M. Philip Schwarz, Peter T.L. Koh, David I. Verrelli and Yuqing Feng, Sequential multi-scale modelling of mineral processing operations, with application to flotation cells, Minerals Engineering 90 (2016) 2–16.

Qinggong Wang, Yuqing Feng, Junfu Lu, Weidi Yin, Hairui Yang, Peter J. Witt, Man Zhang, Numerical Study of Particle Segregation in a Coal Beneficiation Fluidized Bed by a TFM-DEM Hybrid Model: Influence of Coal Particle Size and Density, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 260:240–257.

Chris Solnordal, Venkatakrishna Kenche, Trevor Hadley , Yuqing Feng , Peter Witt, Seng Lim, Simulation of an Internally Circulating Fluidised Bed using a Multiphase Particle-in-Cell Method, Powder Technology, 2015, 274:123–134.

Y.Q. Feng and A.B. Yu, An assessment of model equations in the discrete particle simulation of gas solid flow, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 43, 2004, 8378-8390.

Speaker Information


?2000-2003, PhD, The University of New South Wales, Australia

?1992-1995, M.E., Harbin University of Science and Technology, China

?1988-1992, B.E., Harbin University of Science and Technology, China


?2022 CSIRO Mineral Resources Collaboration Award

?2019 Eureka Award for Growth in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, The 2nd Eureka International Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Melbourne, Australia

?2015 TMS Light Metals Subject Award - Aluminum Reduction Technology

?2015 CSIRO Mineral Resource Flagship Award for collaboration excellence

?2010 International Science Linkage (ISL) Award, Australia Academy of Science

Work Experience:

?2018-07—present Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO Mineral Resources

?2010-07—2018-06 Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO Mineral Resources

?2007-03—2010-06 Research Scientist CSIRO Mineral Resources

?2004-03—2007-02 Postdoctoral Fellow, CSIRO Mineral Resources

Leading on the development and application of advanced CFD models for complex multiphase flow systems involving bubbles, particles and droplets, with a focus on their applications in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy industries, by providing practical advice for reliable design, scale-up and control/optimization of different multi-phase complex flow systems.

Selected Publications:

Over 150 scientific papers in book chapters, journals and conferences (ISI Citation over 2000), 50 industrial technical reports.

Wenjie Rong, Yuqing Feng, Phil Schwarz, Peter Witt, Baokuan Li, Tao Song, Junwu Zhou, Numerical study of the solid flow behavior in a rotating drum based on a multiphase CFD model accounting for solid frictional viscosity and wall friction, Powder Technology 361 (2020) 87-98.

M. Philip Schwarz, Peter T.L. Koh, David I. Verrelli and Yuqing Feng, Sequential multi-scale modelling of mineral processing operations, with application to flotation cells, Minerals Engineering 90 (2016) 2–16.

Qinggong Wang, Yuqing Feng, Junfu Lu, Weidi Yin, Hairui Yang, Peter J. Witt, Man Zhang, Numerical Study of Particle Segregation in a Coal Beneficiation Fluidized Bed by a TFM-DEM Hybrid Model: Influence of Coal Particle Size and Density, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 260:240–257.

Y.Q. Feng and A.B. Yu, An assessment of model equations in the discrete particle simulation of gas solid flow, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 43, 2004, 8378-8390.



Keynote Speech-2

Microwave Tomography: Principle and Example Applications in Multiphase Flow Imaging

Zhipeng Wu


University of Manchester, UK

Since the first formulation of the mathematical theory of computed tomography around a century ago, there have been significant developments in tomography instrumentation using X-rays, g-rays, magnetic resonance (MR), optical, positron emission, ultrasound, electrical resistance, electrical capacitance, electromagnetic induction, and microwaves. Compared to other modalities, microwave tomography has many advantages. However it is relatively less developed even though its first study could be dated back to the late 1970s and early 1980s. This may be due to the complexity in microwave scattering, non-linearity in solving inverse scattering problems, and challenges in microwave circuit designs. In this speech, the principle of microwave tomography will be presented, including system’s configuration, methods for solving forward scattering and inverse-scattering problems. The historical development of microwave tomography systems for multiphase flow imaging will be outlined. Applications of microwave tomography for multiphase flow imaging and other application examples will be demonstrated.


Z Wu and H Wang, Microwave tomography for industrial process imaging, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 59, No.5, Oct 2017, pp61-71.

Z Wu, Developing a microwave tomographic system for multiphase flow imaging: advances and challenges,Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2014, DOI: 10.1177/0142331214546523.

Z Wu, H McCann, L E Davis, J Hu, A Fontes and C G Xie, Microwave Tomographic System for Oil and Gas Multiphase Flow Imaging, Meas. Sci. Technol. 20 (2009) 104026 (8pp).

H G Wang, H Q Che, J M Ye , Q Y Tu, Z P Wu, W Q Yang and R Ocone, Application of process tomography in gas–solid fluidised beds in different scales and structures, Meas. Sci. Technol. 29 (2018) 044001 (13pp) https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6501/aaa509.

Che H.Q., Wang H.G., Ye J.M., Yang W.Q., Wu Z.P., Application of microwave tomography to investigation the wet gas solids flow hydrodynamic characteristics in a fluidized bed, Chemical Engineering Science, 180(2018), pp 20-32. (IF=2.895).

H.G. Wang, J.L. Zhang, M.F. Ramli, M.X. Mao, J.M. Ye, W.Q. Yang and Z.P. Wu, Imaging wet granules with different flow patterns by electrical capacitance tomography and microwave tomography,Meas. Sci. Technol, Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 (2016) 114007 (12pp), doi:10.1088/0957-0233/27/11/114007.

J Hu, Z Wu, H McCann, L E Davis and C Xie, BFGS Quasi-Newton method for solving electromagnetic inverse problems, IEE Proc. on Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Vol.153, No.2, April 2006, pp199-204.

J Hu, Z Wu, H McCann, L E Davis and C Xie, Sequential quadratic programming method for solution of electromagnetic inverse problems, IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol.53, No.8, 2005, pp2680-2687.

J Hu, Z Wu, H McCann, L E Davis and C Xie, Quasi-three-dimensional method of moment for analysing electromagnetic wave scattering in microwave tomography systems, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vo.5, No.2, April 2005, p216-223.

J Hu, Z Wu, H McCann, L E Davis and A Fontes, Analysis of microwave tomography systems by using wire-volume integral equations method, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.43, no.3, pp. 250-253, Nov. 2004.

Speaker Information


?DEng (University of Birmingham, UK in 2003)

?PhD (University of Birmingham, UK, 1988)

?BSc (Northeast University of Technology, China, 1983)

Work Experience:

During 1988-1991, Zhipeng Wu appointed as a Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham. In 1992, he joined UMIST as a lecturer. He was appointed as a Professor at the University of Manchester in 2005, and served as the Head of the Microwave and Communication Systems Group from 2009 to 2012.Hewas a Royal Society Industry Fellow in 2012-2015.

Selected Publications:

1. Z Wu and H Wang, Microwave tomography for industrial process imaging, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 59, No.5, Oct 2017, pp61-71.

2. Z Wu, Developing a microwave tomographic system for multiphase flow imaging: advances and challenges,Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2014, DOI: 10.1177/0142331214546523.

3. Z Wu, H McCann, L E Davis, J Hu, A Fontes and C G Xie, Microwave Tomographic System for Oil and Gas Multiphase Flow Imaging, Meas. Sci. Technol. 20 (2009) 104026 (8pp).

4. H G Wang, H Q Che, J M Ye , Q Y Tu, Z P Wu, W Q Yang and R Ocone, Application of process tomography in gas–solid fluidised beds in different scales and structures, Meas. Sci. Technol. 29 (2018) 044001 (13pp) https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6501/aaa509.

5. Che H.Q., Wang H.G., Ye J.M., Yang W.Q., Wu Z.P., Application of microwave tomography to investigation the wet gas solids flow hydrodynamic characteristics in a fluidized bed, Chemical Engineering Science, 180(2018), pp 20-32. (IF=2.895).

6. H.G. Wang, J.L. Zhang, M.F. Ramli, M.X. Mao, J.M. Ye, W.Q. Yang and Z.P. Wu, Imaging wet granules with different flow patterns by electrical capacitance tomography and microwave tomography,Meas. Sci. Technol, Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 (2016) 114007 (12pp), doi:10.1088/0957-0233/27/11/114007.

7. J Hu, Z Wu, H McCann, L E Davis and C Xie, BFGS Quasi-Newton method for solving electromagnetic inverse problems, IEE Proc. on Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Vol.153, No.2, April 2006, pp199-204.

8. J Hu, Z Wu, H McCann, L E Davis and C Xie, Sequential quadratic programming method for solution of electromagnetic inverse problems, IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol.53, No.8, 2005, pp2680-2687.

9. J Hu, Z Wu, H McCann, L E Davis and C Xie, Quasi-three-dimensional method of moment for analysing electromagnetic wave scattering in microwave tomography systems, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vo.5, No.2, April 2005, p216-223.

10. J Hu, Z Wu, H McCann, L E Davis and A Fontes, Analysis of microwave tomography systems by using wire-volume integral equations method, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.43, no.3, pp. 250-253, Nov. 2004.



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